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About ISP Education Experts

International Student Placements (ISP) Education is a professional education advisory agency in Nigeria with expertise in career counselling, overseas student admission, and visa application guidance in order to prepare each student for a successful study experience overseas.


We represent and place students into A-Level, Foundation, Undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs at top globally ranked institutions around the world.

In partnership with 43+ Institutions Worldwide
Partner Institutions are in 5 Continents
Study in Australia, Canada, China, U.K, & U.S.A

What We Do


International Student Placements (ISP) offers great study abroad and VISA services, book your appointment with one of our experienced International Study Advisors today


Our Mission

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We Offer Complete Range of Features

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Weu2019re a team of non-cynics who truly care for our work and for each other. From keyword research.

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Weu2019re a team of non-cynics who truly care for our work and for each other. From keyword research.

High Performance

Weu2019re a team of non-cynics who truly care for our work and for each other. From keyword research.

Dedicated Employees

Weu2019re a team of non-cynics who truly care for our work and for each other. From keyword research.

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Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world

– Nelson Mandela

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